The Full Moon in sidereal Taurus, its exaltation sign, conjunct Jupiter at the midpoint of its retrograde, brings an emotional high. Following the dark Moon in Scorpio, this Full Moon is positive overall, with Mercury stationing and instilling excitement.
The Venus-Mars opposition, with Mars retrograde in Cancer, the Moon’s sign, adds intensity. However, Taurus steadies the mind, offering stability amidst any emotional turbulence.
Falling in Mṛgaśirṣā ("deer head"), this Moon reflects curiosity, creativity, and a gentle, vigilant nature. Ruled by Soma, the Moon god associated with healing and medicine, this is a favourable time for travel and renewal. Jupiter’s and Mercury’s retrogrades encourage us to plan ahead yet embrace delays and detours as potential sources of joy and growth.
With Mars “out of bounds” and retrograde in the coming weeks, this Full Moon invites us to explore beyond our comfort zones. Steady yet adventurous, Taurus’s influence supports us in wandering off course and discovering unexpected treasures along the way.
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