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September Vedic Astrology

Creative solutions to problems

This month presents challenges related to Mercury and Venus, such as business, finances, and diplomatic relations. Although Mercury is moving direct, it’s traversing the Cancer-Leo cusp again, which complicates matters, especially as it does so on the same day Venus aligns with Ketu in Virgo. This occurs on Sep 4, around which we are likely to see some significant fallout.

The trines between Jupiter in Taurus, Venus in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn suggest a need for significant changes, particularly in business, banking, food distribution, and healthcare systems. This may be due to outages, storms, health scares, or all the above.

​Meanwhile, Saturn’s ongoing transit through Aquarius highlights the importance of addressing humanitarian crises on an ongoing basis.

Venus will move out of debilitation and away from a square aspect with Mars in Gemini by Sep 18, before which the mood is likely to drop significantly. There may be many more Venus-related issues to address all month, including women-related challenges, health issues, and a general sense of discord.

Mercury will enter Virgo, its exalted sign, by Sep 23. If there is to be a financial or health issue, it may be dealt with more appropriately at this stage. We cannot ignore the role of the Jupiter-Saturn square which trends towards tightening measures.

By the time Mercury makes it to Virgo by the end of the month, we should see better communications develop. Although Mercury faces challenges from Mars' argumentative stance in Gemini, we can handle the issues more rationally.

We have the first of two eclipses on Sep 18, beginning with a partial lunar eclipse at the first degree of sidereal Pisces, just as Venus moves into Libra. When lunar eclipses come before a solar eclipse, something more immediate is brought to our attention that needs resolving, before we can start again after the revelations have stirred things up.

Things won’t settle down until after the annular solar eclipse on Oct 2 in Virgo conjunct Ketu. This is likely to bring something to an end. We may see Sun-type things, such as leaders, end their reigns, for example. We may lose confidence in leadership, perhaps around an economic or health issue, before the Sun then makes its way towards its sign of debilitation by mid-October and confidence is at a low point in the year.

As September concludes, the Sun meets Ketu in the middle of Virgo by exact degree, with Mercury moving towards its exaltation, but also towards Ketu. Despite the potential losses, we are more likely to be able to address the issues and cut them out.

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