Timeline Astrology
Timeline Astrology
Full Moon in Svātī

Full Moon in Svātī

Give peace a chance

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During this Full Moon in the Svātī lunar mansion and Libra, opposite an exalted Sun in Aries, we're experiencing a significant moment of resolution and reflection. This marks a culmination point following the recent eclipse, as well as the Mars-Saturn and the Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions. These heavenly events have stirred considerable changes, setting the stage for unexpected developments.

A Full Moon in Libra may be a brief window for peace, particularly as Venus is now at its exaltation degree, yet as Venus quickly moves into Aries, where we find ourselves in a dynamic, and war-like, phase again.

Svātī, meaning 'independent one,' emphasizes our unique paths and the importance of recognizing our differences to us foster connection. If we're not connected to our unique path, we cannot connect with others authentically. Svātī's symbols, a young sprout in the wind and a sword, highlight the necessity of sometimes diverging from the norm to find our balance.

This is a pivotal time for introspection and forging meaningful connections, reminding us that while it’s challenging to maintain peace during turmoil, sometimes shaking things up is essential for achieving balance once again.

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Timeline Astrology
Timeline Astrology
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