Timeline Astrology
Timeline Astrology
Full Moon in Anurādhā

Full Moon in Anurādhā

Time for resolution

A Full Moon in Scorpio is emotionally intense. How you experience it depends on your birth chart, daśās, and other transits, as always. A Scorpio Full Moon balances the opposite Taurus. While Taurus focuses on enjoyment and comfort (Venus, Jupiter, and Sun in Taurus), the Moon in Scorpio urges us to embrace change and uncertainty.

Taurus anchors us in sensual pleasures and basic supports, allowing us the luxury of dread. Those with full stomachs and a roof over their heads can entertain doomsday predictions; those who are homeless and starving have other things to worry about. This Full Moon reminds us of life's precariousness, where everything can seem wonderful one moment and lost the next.

This Full Moon is an important pivot in terms of geopolitical unrest and personal resets. Influenced (aspected) by Saturn, Rahu, Jupiter, and Venus, while Mars conjoins the recent eclipse degree in Pisces, it puts the spotlight on themes of change and inevitability, bringing some sort of resolution to things that have recently been triggered.

The Moon reaches fullness in Anurādhā, a lunar mansion in the heart of Scorpio associated with Krishna’s devoted wife Radha, reminding us where our loyalties lie. When the Moon transits Anurādhā, it’s a good time for devotion, making agreements, and marriage. However, this Full Moon sees Venus exactly conjunct Jupiter, both of which conjoin the Sun, prompting us to question the deeper meaning and purpose behind our desires.

Timeline Astrology
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Gary O'Toole