Timeline Astrology
Timeline Astrology
Full Moon in Mūla

Full Moon in Mūla

Getting to the truth of the matter

The Moon reaches its fullest in Sagittarius by June 22, opposite the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Gemini. Jupiter, ruling this Full Moon, is transiting Taurus, which clashes with the Full Moon and the planets in Gemini. Jupiter’s ongoing square to Saturn adds to the tension, making resolutions difficult despite the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Full Moons typically bring closure, but this one is more complex. It emphasizes the mismatch of Jupiter in Taurus, raising questions about whether our pleasures align with our values. Activities, no matter how enjoyable, will prompt us to question our motives.

A Full Moon in Mūla lunar mansion demands deeper truth, not just factual correctness but alignment with our true selves. Mūla asks us to remove falsehoods to connect with our divinity, and through that, with others. The disconnection felt during this Full Moon arises from focusing only on surface-level experiences. Superficial enjoyment, without meaning, fails to satisfy.

Additionally, the North Node (Rahu) in Pisces, another sign ruled by Jupiter, presents a conflict. No matter how right we believe we are, or how wise the advice we follow (Sagittarius), without surrendering to the Divine, everything else is a mere imitation of Truth.

Timeline Astrology
Timeline Astrology
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